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September Event Statement

By Meghna Parameswaran

For the month of September, SAYVA Teen Ambassadors focused on an important and timely topic: Mental Health. During these uncertain and challenging times of COVID-19, families have been forced to adapt to a new atmosphere for work and school and for many, mental health has been compromised. As a result, SAYVA directed the educational aspect of September to learning and raising awareness about tips for self-care, stress management, anxiety and depression, and resources to help cope in difficult moments. The goal of the month was to make sure our members are taking care of themselves, because we cannot spread love and kindness in our community without first being loving and kind to ourselves. 


For the service facet of September, SAYVA Teen Ambassadors worked to spread this newfound positivity with others. Volunteering with the National Capital Area chapter of United Way, a national volunteer service organization, SAYVA participated in a Notecard Writing Event in which we decorated note cards with inspirational and encouraging messages, quotes and poems to send to those placed in tough situations due to the pandemic. Over the past two weeks, SAYVA successfully created 135 cards to send to students, veterans, and frontline workers as a thank you for their service and a reminder to stay strong. We hope that each card will bring a smile to someone’s face and make their days a little bit better.

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